Sorry, no recipe this post. Just a bit of housekeeping. Jessica at
Harwood Harbor gave me this blog award and so now it's my turn to give it to others (Oh! And thanks Jessica for the award!). Here's how it works:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link. (You can get the award picture by right clicking the image and saving it to your computer. It's the only way I could figure out- so if anyone else knows how, please share!)
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered
3) Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
My nominations for the award:
Anissa's Kitchen- It's my mom's blog, and I couldn't take full credit for this blog since she's the one that taught me to cook
My Kitchen Cafe- This isn't "newly discovered" for me, but Melanie has so many delicious looking recipes that I have a hard time not drooling over them!
Lynn's Kitchen Adventures- Lynn tries to focus on budget-friendly recipes that are tried and true mixed with new recipes. She also does some menu planning if you want ideas in that department.
The Thurstonian- Amy is an old family friend and I used to babysit her kids. I love reading through her blog at the randomness that happens in their life. It keeps me entertained :)
Blog Chef- Again, this blog isn't new to me, but it features a lot of what I LOVE to eat... Chinese food! This blog has had many recipes that have come to my rescue since I live in a town with slim pickings on Chinese restaurants!
Prepared LDS Family- This is a great site for emergency preparedness, whether you are just starting with 72-hour kits, working on your 3-month supply or beyond.
Easy Cheap Recipes- Another frugal food site. Some of you may have already been over to Jayne's site, but it's a great place to look when planning your menu or scrambling for dinner!
For the Love of Cooking- I've found a couple of recipes here that I've enjoyed, and there are so many more that look yummy!
Good Stuff Maynard- Another great recipe site to browse through- it's a collaboration from many aspiring cooks.
Eat at Home- Just what it says... recipes so you can save money and eat at home!
Hmmm... I can't think of any more blogs! I guess I'm with you on just choosing 10 Jessica! So to those of you who were nominated- Congratulations! And do your best to come up with 15 blogs. (If you don't we'll still forgive you!)