Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just Dropping a Line...

I've been thinking about my lack of blogging lately, and I've been feeling somewhat guilty for not being more on the ball with it. I have been super busy with helping my husband finish his semester at school, sewing, and just trying to keep up with the mess my three boys make :) However, life won't slow down for me for at least another week, so I figured I'd just let anyone who cares know that I will be back to blogging starting in May (maybe earlier if I can get to it). In the mean time, I'm going to pose a question:

What type of recipes do you want to see more of?

I've been doing mostly stand-by dishes lately and I'm in need of some inspiration. So share what you are in the mood for and maybe you'll find it here in the not-to-distant future! (And thanks for your patience while I get my life back in order!)


  1. I would love to see crockpot meals and casseroles. I have a family of 6 and it seems sometimes these types of meals seem to fill them up more.

  2. I will see what I can find Laura!


Thanks for commenting! Feel free to share your own ideas!

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